Each institution must establish and maintain an animal occupational health and safety program (AOHSP) as an essential part of the overall program of animal care and use (CFR 1984a,b,c; DHHS 2009; PHS 2002).
- Laurie Graham, Laboratory Safety Manager, Biosafety Officer (P) 541-346-2864
The components of this program are based on guidelines in the NRC Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, the PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, the NRC Occupational Health and Safety in the Care and Use of Research Animals, and the CDC/NIH Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories. Participation in the occupational health program is mandatory for all individuals who have direct or indirect contact with any live research vertebrate animals or harvested non-human primate tissues, body fluids, or wastes. Personnel that handle animal tissue/body fluids obtained from commercial resources are exempt.
- Notify the IACUC to add the individual(s) to your IACUC protocol.
- The individual will be sent log-in instruction for the required online training through CITI.
- The individual must complete a medical questionnaire. Email the University Health Center uhsoccu@uoregon.edu ONLY from an 'uoregon.edu' email account and include your 95# and your name to get access to the medical questionnaire form. This email box is secure and supports encryption. An index # will be required for the $20 form processing fee.
- A physician at the University Health Center will review the questionnaire, contact the individual if there are questions or concerns, and will issue clearance to work with research animals. Clearances may take up to 7 business days to process.
- Supervisors of volunteers and interns must also complete the Volunteer Service Form. The department must maintain these completed, signed forms. Copies of this form should be sent to Risk Management.
Details on program components and instructions for completing the forms listed above can be found in the Occupational Health and Safety Manual.