Environmental Health & Safety believes safety awareness is a learned skill. Provided employee training gives relevant staff a working knowledge of safety compliance guidelines, best safety practices, and general hazard awareness to lower the risk of an incident or injury during the scope of their work.
Training is offered online and on a rotating schedule of classroom sessions, depending on the topic. If you are interested in attending a training, click the link below for more information and to sign up or request a training session. For general training questions contact EHS.
Required for staff who operate lifts. One of a three parts including a "Fall Protection" and a "Hands-On" portion.
Required for staff who operate lifts, but do NOT access other fall hazard locations. "Hands-On" portion to follow.
Overview of the "UO Integrated Contingency Plan" covering environmental permits, hazards, reporting, spill response, and more.
Required for staff who frequently work in animal facilities and have direct contact with animals. Provided in conjunction with UO’s Animal Welfare Services.
Required for infrequent visitors to animal facilities who have no direct contact with animals.
Required for staff identified to have need for asbestos training by their supervisor. Covers hazards, proper response, housekeeping issues, and more.
Recommended for lab members working in Biosafety Level 2 (BSL2) labs, including those handling human cell lines or blood.
Required for all staff with risk of exposure to human blood or other bodily fluids in the scope of their work.
Esta capacitación es necesaria para todos los empleados de la Universidad de Oregon con riesgo de exposición a sangre humana o fluidos corporales en el curso de sus trabajos.
Recommended for all employees at the UO. Gives tools for employees at all position levels to improve their workplace’s safety culture.
An overview of how EHS tracks injury trends through injury data analysis. Injury prevention techniques for the current trend will be covered.
Relevant to staff who operate chainsaws during the scope of their work. Covers inspections, PPE, safe use, and general best practices.
Required for entrants and attendants whose work may take them in confined spaces and permit required confined spaces.
Required hazmat training for staff involved in preparing or receiving shipments containing dry ice.
Relevant to all staff excluding electricians. Covers the hazards of working with or around electricity and injury prevention measures.
Covers general preparedness and safety for UO employees including: active threat response, earthquakes, general safety, and reporting concerns. Provided in conjunction with Emergency Preparedness.
Specialized ergonomic training for employees who work in the childcare field. Provided in conjunction with the University of Texas.
This course acts as a guide for staff working from home on how to maintain good ergonomics. Covers neutral posture, ergonomic friendly home office set up, and general tips for working from home.
SIM-plicity™ is a module of training from Safety In Motion® (SIM). It covers the 10 most important techniques from other SIM modules. The SIM-plicity™ techniques will reduce physical stress on the body and boost balance and strength. In this training, you will learn to make simple practical changes in the way you reach, lift, carry, push and pull.
The techniques presented in this training are proven to reduce physical stress and strain. Office SIM-plicity™ will guide you to make simple, practical and ergonomic changes to improve the way you work in an office environment. As an added benefit, the techniques you learn can be applied to both on and off the job activities.
Required for staff whose work will take them on unguarded elevated surfaces. Covers the basics of fall protection systems, hazards, PPE, and how to report hazards.
Designed to help staff recognize the factors known to be associated with the mind straying off task while working. Gives tool to help build better safety habits.
Certified First Aid/CPR training for staff determined by their department. Available for a fee for others. Provided in conjunction with Physical Education and Recreation.
Required, initially and every 3 years, for staff who operate forklifts in their work. Provided in conjunction with CPFM’s Mobile equipment.
Covers the basics of safely working with lasers at the UO. Provided in conjunction with the University of California Laboratory Safety Training Consortium.
Relevant to all Principal Investigators (PI's). Covers responsibilities for PI's in creating a safe laboratory environment. Provided in conjunction with the University of California Laboratory Safety Training Consortium.
Required for all staff who operate golf carts or utility vehicles. Covers the safety guidelines in the UO's Golf Cart and Utility Vehicle Safety Program. Provided by EHS department trained trainers.
Hand and fingers are among the most injured parts of the body at the UO. Designed for employees who use both powered and manual hand tools.
Required training for staff working with chemicals. Covers hazards, marking and labeling containers, hazard symbols, SDS, and protective measures.
Recommended for all UO staff. Covers how to identify hazards, UO workplace specific examples, and how to report them.
Required for all UO employees, lab personnel, and affiliates that produce, handle, collect, or submit hazardous waste for disposal.
Required annual training for employees in the HAZWOPER, Hazardous waste Operations and Emergency Response, program.
Required for staff who are in the UO’s Hearing Conservation Program and recommended for all employees who have noise exposure at home or at work.
Required training for staff who work outdoors or staff working indoors in buildings that do not have temperature-controlled air where temperatures could rise above 80°F. Appropriate for all staff, regardless of work area, to learn the signs, symptoms, and first aid measures for heat related illnesses.
Relevant to staff who use heavy equipment in their work. Covers safe use and best practices in operating tractors, backhoes, and skid steers. Hands-on portion to follow.
Relevant to staff who braze, solder, weld, and grind. Covers PPE, fire protection, safety devices, compressed cylinders storage and handling, and best work practices.
Covers the process and gives tools for investigating a worksite incident - a fatality, assault, injury, illness, or close call - to identify hazards in operations and shortcomings in safety and health programs.
Relevant to kitchen staff designated by their department. Covers sources of fires, preventative measures, fire protection systems, types of fire extinguishers, and expectations for response should a fire occur.
Kitchen environments present unique hazards to workers. This course will identify main kitchen hazards and teach you the basic procedures and best practices to follow to create a safer kitchen culture for all.
Los ambientes de cocina presentan riesgos únicos para los trabajadores. Este curso identificará los principales peligros de la cocina y le enseñará los procedimientos básicos y las mejores prácticas a seguir para crear una cultura de cocina más segura para todos.
Required for all UO lab employees and personnel. Covers hazard identification, chemical hygiene plan, general training, exposure monitoring, and medical consultation and examinations. Offered in conjunction with the UC Center for Laboratory Safety.
Covers injury prevention methods including the safe set-up, use, and inspection of fixed ladders, extension ladders, step ladders and orchard ladders.
Review of safe set up and use of step ladders in an indoor setting. If using in an outdoor setting or any other type of ladder, full ladder training must be completed.
Required annually for staff that impact painted surfaces during their job tasks. This course is for general lead awareness.
Line-of-fire injuries result from moving into the path of hazardous energy like a thumb hit between a working surface and hammer. Covers types of line-of-fire injuries and gives prevention methods.
Required for UO employees with job duties that require working with, or doing maintenance on, various kinds of energized equipment and systems.
Relevant to staff who lift, carry, push, pull, and stack. Covers actual UO injury data, injury causes, prevention techniques, what to do if items fall, and additional resources.
Offices are not often associated with having hazards, but contain many. Covers common hazards found in office environments, what hazards to address, and when further assistance is needed.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is required equipment worn on a person to lower the potential risk of bodily injury or infection while completing a task. Covers hazards and PPE examples.
Basics of safely working with radioactive materials at UO. Required initial training for radiation workers using radioisotopes at the UO. Provides a basic understanding of radiation safety principles and practicies, and explains required procedures for using licensed radioactive materials. Provided in conjunction with the University of California Laboratory Safety Training Consortium.
Required refresher, every 3 years, for radiation workers who have already completed initial training. Provided in conjunction with the University of California Laboratory Safety Training Consortium.
Radiation safety training for x-ray machine users (initial and refresher). Provided in conjunction with the University of California Laboratory Safety Training Consortium.
Required annual training for staff who will use respirators in the scope of their work. A medical questionnaire and fit test are required.
Required annual training for staff who will use N95 respirators in the scope of their work. If other respirator types will be used full Respiratory Protection training is required.
Required annual training for UHC staff who will use N95 respirators in the scope of their work. If other respirator types will be used full Respiratory Protection training is required. A medical questionnaire and fit test are required
Relevant to department designees charged with auditing and maintaining their department’s safety data sheets.
Relevant to staff who have potential to use scaffolds in their work. Covers how to safely erect and use scaffolds including regulatory requirements and best practices.
Slips, trips, and falls are one of the leading causes of injury at the UO. Covers examples of previously found UO environment hazards, hazardous personal habits, and best practices to follow.
More slips, trips, and falls occur inside than out, this includes in office environments. Covers main indoor hazards, prevention techniques, and how to report a hazard.
Covers SPCC including: established procedures, methods, and equipment/supplies needed to keep spills (mainly oil) from reaching surface water (stormwater system).
Recommended for all staff who operate vehicles as part of UO business. Covers UO incident data and safe driving practices. Provided in conjunction with the Office of Risk Management.
Relevant to all UO employees. Covers safety expectations and requirements for workplaces and employees to follow on UO properties during the Covid-19 pandemic. Resources are shared.
Relevant to staff in UO Lab settings. Covers fire protection systems, extinguishers, and response expectations.
Required for employees who have reason to enter the UO tunnel system. Covers the potential hazards, required PPE and clothing, safe entry/exit, and best safety practices to follow.
Required for anyone driving a van (owned, rented, or borrowed) for university-approved travel. Provided in conjunction with OSU Motor Pool.
Required training for staff who work outdoors or staff working indoors in buildings that do not have filtered air. Appropriate for all staff, regardless of work area, to learn the signs, symptoms, first aid, and preventative measures of wildfire smoke exposure.