- Adam Jones, Environmental Services Manager (P) 541-346-8397
The initial phase of the project includes samples collected from all known dedicated drinking water and food prep fixtures in all buildings, and representative bathroom fixtures in residential buildings. Testing the majority of university facilities should be completed in early 2017.
The project uses three different sample types. They are defined as follows:
- Initial Samples - “first draw” samples collected directly from the tap after a period of no usage. These are used to initially screen the fixture.
- Flush Samples – samples that represent the water within the building plumbing. Collected if Initial Samples produce elevated results. Flush Samples are collected following a 30 second flush prior to sample collection.
- Confirmation Samples – samples collected after mitigation steps have been completed, and used to confirm that mitigation was successful. If Confirmation Sample results are elevated, fixtures remain out of service until mitigation actions succeed.
Download the Drinking Water Monitoring Plan
Information and Resources
Mitigation steps are to reduce the lead content in drinking water where elevated sample results have been observed. They can be as simple as faucet aerator replacement, or as complicated as building plumbing replacement. Fixtures where Initial Samples have produced elevated results are not returned to service until Confirmation Samples have produced a result that is less than EPA recommended levels. Lead in drinking water is a concern because high lead levels can contribute to negative health effects especially for pregnant women, infants, and young children under 6 years old. People concerned about lead exposure should contact their healthcare providers. UO students may contact the University Health Center. For more information about lead, read
This map can be used to obtain general lead in drinking water data collected since May of 2016. Specific data can be accessed through the link associated with each building, as well as the links below:
Building Level Water Testing Data
UO Portland NE Campus
- 27th Avenue Apartments Building #1
- 27th Avenue Apartments Building #2
- 27th Avenue Apartments Building #3
- 27th Avenue Apartments Building #4
- 30th Avenue Apartments North
- 30th Avenue Apartments South
- 6635 NE 27th Avenue
- East Residence Hall
- Gymnasium Building
- Highland Hall
- Holman Street Apartments North
- Holman Street Apartments South
- Innovation Building
- Library & Learning Center
- Portland Campus Center
- Recreation Complex
- Portland House