Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) contracts with MSDSOnline to provide university units with a central data managment tool for retaining and providing access to Safety Data Sheets (formerly known as Material Safety Data Sheets or MSDS). Units are responsible for ensuring SDS for materials purchased are within this system, and accessible to employees.
EHS staff are available to assist unit SDS administrators with training on the use of this system. This page also includes other helpful links to SDS available through other publicly accessible search engines.
SDS for UO Employees (click to access)

- Ben Bythell, Hazardous Materials Manager, Chemical Safety Officer, (P) 541-346-0371
- Kersey Bars, Occupational Health & Safety Specialist (P) 541-346-0815
- Haily Griffith, Occupational Health and Safety Manager (P) 541-346-2962
- Justin Zunker, Occupational Safety Officer (P) 541-346-0780
Additional Links
- Avantor (previously JT Baker/Mallinckrodt) https://www.avantorinc.com/search.aspx?searchtype=msds
- Chemfinder https://www.cambridgesoft.com/databases/login/?serviceid=128
- ILPI MSDS Resources http://www.ilpi.com/msds/
- Sigma-Aldrich https://www.sigmaaldrich.com/safety-center.html
- SIRI MSDS Database - Over 8,000 MSDS http://hazard.com/msds/index.php