Print Maps

The Location Innovation Lab maintains the official publication maps of the University of Oregon. If you work at the UO and would like an editable format of these maps, email the Location Innovation Lab.

Download official publication print maps of the Eugene campus from this page.

Accessibility Map

This map displays accessible routes, areas, elevators, and parking on campus along with public transportation stops.

Bike Map

This map shows bike parking, bike share locations, repair stations, and bike lockers. It also highlights public transportation stops, campus biking routes, and paths where riders must dismount.

Callbox Map

This map shows emergency call box locations.

Campus Map

This map displays the University of Oregon's Eugene campus and the Autzen Stadium complex.

Campus at Night Map

This map highlights lighted walkways through campus, emergency call boxes, and public transportation stops.

Greyscale Map

This map displays the University of Oregon's Eugene campus and the Autzen Stadium complex.

Parking Map

This map shows parking zones, parking lots with ADA spaces, and hourly pay to park areas.

Schedule Map

This map includes building abbreviations.

UO Address Map

This map displays UO building numbers and physical addresses.