Laser Safety

The University of Oregon's Laser Safety guidance is based on the American National Standard for Safe Use of Lasers (ANSI Z136.1-2014). The intent of the provided guidance is to ensure the safe use of lasers in reseach and instructional laboratories.


  • Steve Stuckmeyer, Director of Environmental Health and Safety, Radiation Safety Officer (P) 541-346-3197
  • Lawrence Scatena, Director of Shared Laser Lab (P) 541-346-2501


A written Standard Operating Procedure is required for each laser system. The following template will assist the users in preparing the necessary document. The Standard Operating Procedure should be reviewed regularly.

Laser Standard Operating Procedure 


Introductory Laser Safety Training available online.

Laser Safety Training


Completion of Laser Registration Form is required for each Class 3 and Class 4 laser prior to consultation with EHS staff.

Laser Registration