Third Party Incident Reporting

Third Party Incident Reporting  

Departments are responsible for reporting incidents or injuries to a third party on University property or at a University of Oregon sponsored event.  This form is for internal use only and is not intended to be used for a filing a claim.  

Who is a Third Party?  

  • Visitors  
  • Volunteers
  • Students not working for the UO
  • Employees, if it is not within the course and scope of their employment, (i.e visiting campus for leisure purposes, such as attending a ballgame or concert).   


Departments may comeplete the Notice of Third-Party Incident form, submit the PDF fillable form to or complete the online web version of this form. 

NOTE: This form is for internal use only and is not intended to be used for filing a claim. 

Notice of Third-Party Incident - webform version

Notice of Third-Party Incident - PDF fillable form

