Safety and Risk Services Resource Hub


Welcome to the Safety & Risk Services Resource Hub. The Safety & Risk Services team provides trainings, videos, maps, and other resources to raise awareness, increase resilience, and improve safety at the University of Oregon. 

Below you will find information on occupational health and safety topics, lab safety, risk management, emergency preparedness, and personal safety.

Request a Training

Requests for training for departments, schools, colleges, or student groups are welcome. The team supports university activities and all efforts are made to accommodate training needs and requests. Types of trainings which can be requested are Emergency Preparedness, De-Escalation, Active Threat, and Personal Safety

Request a Safety Training

UO students, faculty, staff, and departments can also request a risk consultation or training session related to insurance and risk management. 

Request a Risk Management Consultation

Learn about additional trainings related to Lab Safety, Occupational Safety, or Risk Management

Upcoming Trainings


Occupational Health and Safety 

green line drawing of the pathway up a set of steps
Aerial Lifts

Aerial Lifts are vehicle mounted elevated working surfaces including boom lifts (extend-able or articulated), scissor lifts, and vertical lifts. There are multiple serious hazards associated with operating lifts. A working knowledge of potential mechanical, environmental, and operational hazards is crucial to lowering the risk of injury to the operator and others. 

February 6
8:00 - 9:00 AM
February 13
1:00 - 2:00 PM
Green hardhat icon
Fall Protection

This class is designed for UO employees with job duties that require working on unguarded elevated surfaces. Subject matter includes fall protection purpose, basic types, differences between Personal Fall Arrest vs. Fall Restraint, height requirements, anchor points, body harness, connectors, rescue necessities, etc.

February 6
9:00 - 10:30 AM
February 20
1:00 - 2:30pm

Lab Safety and Hazardous Waste

Green microscope icon
Lab Safety and Hazardous Waste Management Refresher


February 19
10:00 - 11:00Am
March 18
3:00 - 4:00pm
Green beaker icon
Lab Safety and Hazardous Waste Management


February 17
2:00 - 4:00PM
March 5
10:00 - Noon

Featured Safety Sheets

Safety & Risk Services has developed a series of safety sheets to provide UO employees with information on specific hazards, environmental health issues, and best practices. Find an A-Z list of downloadable safety sheets in English or Spanish

Visit Safety Sheet Library

Power Outage
What to do and how to prepare for a power outage at work or in class. 
Emergency Contacts
In the event of an emergency, establishing an emergency contact(s) allows the University or first responders to notify your loved ones. There are three ways to make this information available.
Lockout/Tagout devices are regulated by the University’s Lockout/ Tagout Safety Program or Energy Control Program. The devices act as a means of protecting workers from injury by the release of energy during repair, inspection, or maintenance of machines and other equipment.
Glass Safety
Glass is found in two main types around the University. Borosilicate glass is used in lab glassware due to its durability and high temperature range. Soda-lime is found in most glass objects and is prone to fracturing from temperature changes, corrosives, and impact.

Safety Maps

Visit the campus map to navigate campus and view additional safety maps. 

This map highlights accessible routes, parking, and elevator locations across campus.

The Fire Safety map displays fire safety assets and building evacuation maps across campus.

This public app highlights where golf carts and utility vehicles are allowed and not approved to drive on campus. Routes with heavy bicycle or pedestrian traffic are also indicated.

The Safety at Night Map identifies safety corridors across campus and emergency call box locations. You can help make campus safer by using this map to share night safety hazards.

Preparedness Videos

Oregon ShakeOut: Duck, Cover, and Hold On
The Oregon Duck prepares for an earthquake.
Run. Hide. Fight.
CSU Active Shooter Safety Training © 2017 California State University
UO Lighted Pathways
The UO app highlights lit pathways on campus.