Safety and Risk Services Resource Hub


Welcome to the Safety & Risk Services Resource Hub. The Safety & Risk Services team provides trainings, videos, maps, and other resources to raise awareness, increase resilience, and improve safety at the University of Oregon. 

Below you will find information on occupational health and safety topics, lab safety, risk management, emergency preparedness, and personal safety.

Request a Training

Requests for training for departments, schools, colleges, or student groups are welcome. The team supports university activities and all efforts are made to accommodate training needs and requests. Types of trainings which can be requested are Emergency Preparedness, De-Escalation, Active Threat, and Personal Safety

Request a Safety Training

UO students, faculty, staff, and departments can also request a risk consultation or training session related to insurance and risk management. 

Request a Risk Management Consultation

Learn about additional trainings related to Lab Safety, Occupational Safety, or Risk Management

Upcoming Trainings


Occupational Health and Safety 

Green lock icon

This class is designed for UO employees with job duties that require working with, or doing maintenance on, various kinds of energized equipment and systems. Training topics include, LOTO purpose, injury causes, lockout vs. tagout, authorized vs. affected employees, six steps for safe LOTO, outlining different kinds of “energy” to LOTO, restarting equipment, removing another’s lock/tag, group lockout, outside contractors, LOTO inspections, etc. Informational handouts are given to attendees.

March 6
8:00 - 9:00 AM
March 13
1:00 - 2:00 PM
Green hardhat icon
Personal Protective Equipment

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is required equipment worn on a person to lower or eliminate the potential risk of bodily injury or infection while completing a task. PPE is a safety measure used when administrative and engineering controls are not enough. This course will cover more on what PPE is, why it is necessary, and some specific PPE examples and the hazards they protect against. Most PPE is provided by the UO, regulated in a program, and requires training before use.

MArch 6
9:00 - 10:00 AM
MARch 20
1:00 - 2:00 pm

Lab Safety and Hazardous Waste

Green microscope icon
Lab Safety and Hazardous Waste Management Refresher


March 18
3:00 - 4:00pm
Green beaker icon
Lab Safety and Hazardous Waste Management


March 5
10:00 - Noon

Featured Safety Sheets

Safety & Risk Services has developed a series of safety sheets to provide UO employees with information on specific hazards, environmental health issues, and best practices. Find an A-Z list of downloadable safety sheets in English or Spanish

Visit Safety Sheet Library

Elevator Safety
Elevators are present in most buildings as an alternative to accessibility method between levels. Like all mechanical equipment elevators can infrequently break down sometimes resulting in people trapped inside. 
Hand Injury Prevention
Hand injuries can be debilitating and life-altering. While some jobs require nothing to get started, other jobs require prior training, PPE (personal protective equipment), machine guarding, or specified tools to lower hand injury risk.
Dropped Items
Dropping items happens to everyone. How you respond when the item falls makes the difference in walking away injury free. Dozens of injuries occur each year to UO employees who try and catch items they drop.
Silica Awareness
Silica is one of the most commonly found minerals on the planet. It can be present in dirt, gravel, rock, sand, or soil. Crystalline silica dust is the form most commonly used in the workplace. 

Safety Maps

Visit the campus map to navigate campus and view additional safety maps. 

This map highlights accessible routes, parking, and elevator locations across campus.

The Fire Safety map displays fire safety assets and building evacuation maps across campus.

This public app highlights where golf carts and utility vehicles are allowed and not approved to drive on campus. Routes with heavy bicycle or pedestrian traffic are also indicated.

The Safety at Night Map identifies safety corridors across campus and emergency call box locations. You can help make campus safer by using this map to share night safety hazards.

Preparedness Videos

Oregon ShakeOut: Duck, Cover, and Hold On
The Oregon Duck prepares for an earthquake.
Run. Hide. Fight.
CSU Active Shooter Safety Training © 2017 California State University
UO Lighted Pathways
The UO app highlights lit pathways on campus.