Employees with the potential for occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials (OPIM) are covered under the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standard. Those employees at UO affected by this regulation can be found in the UO Exposure Control Plan. Supervisors and Principal Investigators are responsible for ensuring that their staff receive both initial and annual refresher Bloodborne Pathogens training on preventing occupational transmission of bloodborne pathogens, required by OSHA.
Only trained individuals should clean up blood or other potentially infectious materials. If trained personnel are not available, either UOPD dispatch, CPFM Work Control, or the departmental system should be contacted to arrange for cleanup (designated individuals will be called in if necessary).
- Laurie Graham, Laboratory Safety Manager, Biosafety Officer (P) 541-346-2864
Information and Resources
- Medical Treatment Options
- UO BBP Exposure Control Plan (Plan de Control de Exposición)
- OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Fact Sheet
- Exposure forms in Spanish