Risk Management and Insurance works with departments and third parties regarding claims to evaluate and determine the potential for recovery and initiate the claims process.
The university has various types of insurance or self-insurance to cover the different risks the institution faces. These include general liability, property, fine arts, international travel, day care, camps and clinics, athletics, and workers' compensation. The current department deductible is $5,000 per occurrence. Property insurance does not cover the personal property of employees or students.
Any loss or incident must be reported to Risk Management, 541-346-8316, within 24 hours.
Reports later than 90 days after the date of a loss or incident may not be covered by insurance.
Vehicle Claims: A loss to a university, Motor Pool, state, rental, or third-party vehicle.
Property Claims: A loss to University of Oregon property.
General Liability Claims: A loss associated with a breach of a legal duty (also known as tort claims).
Workers' Compensation: A work-related injury or illness.
Vehicle Claims
Employees and other authorized drivers driving vehicles on official University business must report vehicle incidents or damage to Risk Management, and to the University of Oregon Police Department. This includes University-owned vehicles, rented or leased vehicles, and personally owned vehicles.
Procedures for UO Employees, Students, and Volunteers
- Report to UOPD: 541-346-2919 (non-emergency) or Dial 911 if an emergency or not on Eugene campus.
- Report to Risk Management: 541-346-8316 within 24 hours
- Complete an Online Vehicle Incident Report. Additional forms may be required; please refer to the vehicle accident packets (in UO vehicles).
- University owned vehicles that have been involved in a vehicle accident should be re-inspected to confirm the vehicle is safe to drive. Departments may contact the university's Mobile Equipment Shop for more information.
Online Vehicle Incident Report
Information and Resources
Any loss or incident must be reported to the Office of Risk Management, 541-346-8316, within 24 hours. Reports later than 90 days after the date of a loss or incident may not be covered by insurance.
- Vehicle Crimes: If the loss is due to a hit-and-run, theft, break-in, or vandalism, these incidents are criminal and need to be reported to law enforcement immediately. If the incident occurred on university property, contact UOPD. Otherwise, contact local law enforcement.
- Deductible: University-owned, Motor Pool, state, and rental vehicle claims are subject to a deductible. Departments are responsible for $5,000 of the deductible. The Office of Risk Management will work directly with the responsible department to coordinate the repair efforts. Risk Management will work directly with Motor Pool to facilitate the claims on Motor Pool vehicles. The Motor Pool will charge the department for repair costs.
- Third Parties: When a university vehicle is damaged by another party, Risk Management will work with the department to file a claim with the third party’s insurance company.
- DMV Reporting: UO drivers should provide the pink copy of the DMV form to Risk Management at riskmanagement@uoregon.edu if they complete the DMV form. Per Oregon law drivers involved in a crash resulting in any of the following MUST file a Crash and Insurance Report:
- Damage to your vehicle is over $2,500
- Injury (No matter how minor)
- Death
- Damage to any one person's property over $2,500
- Any vehicle has damage over $2500 and any vehicle is towed from the scene as a result of damages.
Property Claims
A University of Oregon property claim is:
- Property owned by the University of Oregon and;
- Building or property damage due to accidents, fire, water, vandalism, theft, or weather
All claims involving property loss or damage must be immediately reported to Risk Management as our insurance requires us to meet reporting requirements. We have a responsibility to mitigate our loss and to protect property from further loss or damage.
Losses due to theft, break-in, or vandalism are criminal acts and must be immediately reported to the University of Oregon Police Department by calling either the non-emergency line 541-346-2919 or 911 if an emergency.
What information is needed to initiate a property claim?
- Department contact information
- A narrative of the incident, including the date and time of loss, immediate actions taken, witnesses
- Description of damaged or lost property
Include the following information if possible:
- Photographs of all damaged or lost property, if available
- Police report, if available
- Copies of correspondence, documentation, or other information related to the incident
- Two written estimates showing replacement values for the lost or damaged property may be required
General Liability Claims
General liability claims usually involve personal property damage, injury, or related medical expenses to third parties, such as the public, students, or visitors.
Departments may be subject to a $5,000 deductible.
Risk Management, (P) 541-346-8316