
Emergency preparedness is a shared responsibility.  It is important for individuals and departments to make plans for emergency evacuations.  

Quick Tips

  1. Identify evacuation routes and secure-in-place locations.
  2. Use stairwells instead of elevators.
  3. After evacuating, move away from the building and follow instructions from emergency personnel. 

General Guidelines

The following general guidelines and guidelines for people with disabilities, apply to emergency building evacuations involving fire or possible structural damage such as that caused by an explosion or earthquake. Guidelines for non-emergency evacuations are listed at the bottom of the page. 

Make a Plan 

  1. Identify at least two evacuation routes from the building or spaces where you spend time.
  2. Practice evacuating using both routes.
  3. Identify a location where you can secure or shelter-in-place.
  4. Additional guidelines for people with disabilities are available.
  5. Plan with members of your department where potential assembly areas are located. 

Take Action

If an emergency evacuation is needed, put your plan into action:

  1. Leave the building immediately when signaled by fire alarm, UO Alert (via text message, e-mail, or digital display), or instructions from emergency personnel.
  2. Do not take any noncritical items.
  3. Walk as calmly as possible.
  4. Use only stairs and fire escapes. Avoid elevators.
  5. Go to the pre-planned evacuation assembly area.
  6. Alert emergency personnel if anyone is trapped inside or needs additional assistance.
  7. Stay where you are until cleared to exit or reenter the building by emergency personnel or UO Alert.

Evacuation from a Classroom

  • Each building has evacuation maps posted in main hallways. You can consult this map for the nearest evacuation route.
  • You can also pick a specific location near the building where you'd like to meet all your students should you ever need to evacuate. Share evacuation and assembly location information with your students on the first day of the term and consider including that information on your syllabus.
  • Practice evacuation routes by entering and exiting the building using the routes you identified.

General Guidelines for Non-Emergency Evacuation

If non-emergency building evacuation is recommended, gather personal belongings and secure your work area, if safe to do so, before exiting the building.

Persons who need assistance during non-emergency evacuation can call UOPD at 541-346-2919. During regular working hours, the building manager,  or office manager should be notified of persons who need assistance so they can advise emergency personnel on their location.


For general questions contact Emergency Management at uoem@uoregon.edu.

For information regarding accommodation and accessibility additional support is available for students through the Accessible Education Center at 541-346-1155 and employees for employees through Employee and Labor Relations at 541-346-2985 or uoelr@uoregon.edu