Active Threat

Safety and Risk Services offers a number of departmental trainings regarding active threats, both in-person and online. Although active threats are rare, there are a number of preparedness measures you and your department can take which are good practice for any emergency.   


Educate yourself about the best steps to take if an active threat occurs.  Watch the 8-minute video by California State University. 

CSU's Run. Hide. Fight Video

*RUN. HIDE. FIGHT. CSU Active Shooter Safety Training © 2017 California State University

In-Person Active Threat Training (one-hour lecture) - In partnership with UOPD and the Counseling Center, Emergency Management and Continuity provides training on the warning signs of violent behavior, campus prevention resources, law enforcement activity, and preparedness measures on campus.

In-Person Active Threat Training with Drill (two-hours) – This training includes the one-hour Active Threat Training Lecture and adds one-hour drill intended for participants to apply ‘run, hide, fight’ strategies to their office space.

Space Self-Assessment - This document can assist you evaluate what response options may be available to you in the space in which you work on campus. 

Request an In-Person Active Threat Training

De-escalation Training (90 mins) – Learn the basics of de-escalation, common sources of conflict, recognizing unsafe situations, including safety planning and resources on campus for addressing difficult interactions, and practice proactive, purposeful actions.

Emergency Response

Incident Management Team – The IMT is an interdisciplinary group of campus partners trained to respond to any type of emergency on campus.  The IMT will coordinate response and recovery efforts following an emergency incident.

Emergency Operations Plan – The EOP outlines the roles and responsibilities for UO staff, including members of the IMT, that will respond to emergency incidents on campus.  The EOP is written using the Incident Command System (ICS) framework, designed so that City, State and Federal partners can coordinate with the UO’s emergency response if necessary.

Behavioral Evaluation Threat Assessment (BETA) - The UO Behavioral Evaluation and Threat Assessment Team (BETA-Team) is dedicated to the early identification, assessment and management of incidents and behaviors that threaten the safety and well-being of the university community.


Department Emergency Plans  - Use the emergency response plan template to create a preparedness document for your department.

Resources for Faculty -  Classroom preparedness materials and resources.

Active Threat Safety Sheet – One-pager outlining actions to take before, during and after an active threat incident.

Emergency Poster – Posters are a quick reference guide to emergency response.  Request a poster for your classroom or office by using the web form.  

UO Alerts – Information and FAQs about the UO’s emergency notification system. 

Dean of Students Office – See Something, Say Something, Do Something.   Report anonymous concerns to the Dean of Students.